Buffleheads are small diving ducks widespread throughout North America.
Bufflehead behavior and facts
- The bufflehead's name is a combination of buffalo and head, due to the bulbous shape of the male's head when he puffs up the white feathers on the back of his head.
- Buffleheads are identified by the large white patch on the back of their iridescent green and purple heads.
- Buffleheads are highly active, diving almost continuously. Buffleheads feed in small groups, with one duck watching for predators while other ducks dive.
- Buffleheads eat insects, aquatic plants and small invertebrates.
From birth to death
- Buffleheads are small enough to nest in abandoned tree cavities made by woodpeckers.
- They are monogamous, and females return to the same nesting site year after year.
- Females lay a clutch of 6-11 eggs, and incubate them for an average of 30 days.
- Bufflehead ducklings leave the nest the day after they hatch and fledge at 50-55 days.
IUCN Least concern
Buffleheads, the Oregon Zoo and you
The zoo's buffleheads live in the Cascade Stream and Pond aviary.