Emperor scorpions live in the rainforests of West Africa. It is one of the largest scorpions in the world. It is a carnivore.
Emperor scorpion behavior and facts
- Adults eat ground-dwelling insects and small animals; young eat fruit flies and small crickets.
- Their venom is mild.
- Emperor scorpions hunt at night. They use sensory hairs on their body to make up for poor vision.
- Scorpions defend themselves against predators with their large claws.
- Emperor scorpions rarely burrow, but instead hide under logs or rocks.
From birth to death
- Lifespan: 5 to 8 years in captivity
- Vital statistics
- Length: 10 to 12 inches
- Endangered per CITES Appendix II.
Scorpions, the Oregon Zoo and you
Emperor scorpions live in the Insect Zoo. They eat beetles, crickets and mealworms.
Emperor scorpions are popular pets.