The redhead is a relatively large diving duck widespread through North America. The species is named for the males' striking red-orange head.
Redhead behavior and facts
- Redheads feed by diving for seeds, plants, aquatic insects and small fish.
- A male redhead's call resembles a cat's meow.
- Redheads prefer non-forested prairies with water and dense vegetation for nesting sites.
- Redheads are migratory – it is estimated that 80 percent of redheads spend the winter months in the Laguna Madre of Texas and Mexico.
Life history
- The redhead breeds primarily in the northern Great Plains in freshwater wetlands.
- Female redheads are known for dropping their eggs in the nests of other waterbirds.
- The female lays an average of 7-10 eggs.
IUCN Least concern
Redheads, the Oregon Zoo and you
The zoo's redheads live in the Cascade Stream and Pond aviary.