Oregon Zoo is part of Metro.
Oregon Zoo is part of Metro, greater Portland's regional government.
Metro's work includes parks and nature, housing, land and transportation,
garbage and recycling, and arts and events. Learn more
Today's hours:9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.(last entry 4 p.m.)
Donor advised funds (DAF)
Donate with flexibility and ease!
A donor advised fund is like a charitable savings account that gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to the Oregon Zoo Foundation and other charities you support. You can recommend a grant, or recurring grants, now to make an immediate impact—or use your fund as a tool for future charitable gifts. It is easy to connect to your financial institution’s website here and make your grant recommendation today!
Distributions can be directed to:
Oregon Zoo Foundation 4001 SW Canyon Road, Portland, Oregon 97221 Federal tax ID number: 93-0718337
Please let us know who to thank by including your name and address with your gift!
Questions? Please contact Natalie Neshyba at 503-914-6029 or email [email protected]for more information.