El Oregon Zoo es parte de Metro.
El Oregon Zoo es parte de Metro, el gobierno regional de Portland. El trabajo de Metro incluye parques y naturaleza, vivienda, suelo y transporte, basura y reciclaje, y artes y eventos. Obtenga más información.
Today's hours:9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.(last entry 4 p.m.)
Local attractions offer reciprocal admission to members
Museums and attractions in the Portland metro area and beyond have teamed up to offer a reciprocal membership month program. This special promotion was initiated as a way to show appreciation for each attraction's loyal members, as well as to highlight the important role that cultural attractions play in the community.
Oregon Zoo members: Use your membership to access up to four free admission tickets at the other participating attractions during their promotional months. There are no additional free admission tickets for Oregon Zoo members during January.