Зоопарк Oregon Zoo является частью Metro.
Зоопарк Oregon Zoo является частью Metro – регионального правительства Портленда и окрестностей. В сферу деятельности правительства Metro входят парки и природные зоны, жилищное строительство, земля и транспорт, мусор и переработка отходов, а также художественная культура и мероприятия. Дополнительная информация
Today's hours:9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.(last entry 4 p.m.)
Strategic sponsorship
Highly visible presenting sponsorships are available for the zoo's beloved community events.
Signature sponsorships
Make a high-level investment in the zoo and your organization's brand while receiving above-and-beyond benefits. Signature partners receive year-round recognition on zoo grounds and on the zoo's website. Specialized activation opportunities are available to expand your reach. Contact Amber Morrison at [email protected] to learn more.
The Oregon Zoo and the Oregon Zoo Foundation appreciate the generosity of each organization that has donated time and resources through the years to advance the zoo's mission of connecting our community to the wonder of wildlife to create a better future for all.